Friday, July 6, 2012

Car Driving Tips For Indian Roads.

These are some of the car driving tips I learned in my car driving class.
This is applicable to Indian Road driving conditions.

One another good source of information :

1.) Vehicle Control and Mechanisms :

      a.) Foot Control
      b.) Hand Control
      c.) Vision Control

      a.) Foot Control :

                                 (ABC : Accelerator, Brake, Clutch)
                                 ____           ____         ____
                                 |_C_|          |_B_|         |_A_|

                                     |                |                 |
                                     |                |                 |
                                     |                 \               /
                                     |                   \           /
                               Left Leg            Right Leg

                        Figure: Position of Clutch (C), Brake(B), Accelerator(A) inside the car.

            Accelerator and Brake must be controlled by right leg.                           
            Clutch must be controlled by left leg.
            Clutch is used while changing the gears.
            Brake is used to stop the car.
            Accelerator is used to drive the car speedily.

            * Press the accelerator from outer edge of your foot ball gently, with your heel resting on the floor.
            Do not press from your foot fingers or from your middle foot.
            * Press the Brake (or) Clutch from middle of your foot, without your heel resting on the floor.
            Press the Brake / Clutch gently to fully.
            You can rest your left leg on floor when not using the Clutch in clear highways.
            Note: In automatic-transmission car, Clutch won't be found.
                Even in this car, Brake and Accelerator must be controlled by right leg only.

            * Clutch Riding : Driving while applying clutch and accelerator at the same time.
               This will reduce the mileage, and increase wear and tear in your clutch belts (Rs. 35000)
               which is costly.  Clutch belts are changed usually after every 30000 Km.
               So, avoid it by not pressing Clutch and Accelerator at the same time.
               Apply the Clutch and Brake in a 'See Saw' motion.
             * When you start the car, always press the Clutch.
                Though it is not needed, it has two advantages.
                   1.) When the gear is not in Neutral, the car won't stall (or) jerk.
                   2.) It reduces load on battery and starter motor to crank the engine
                        as starter motor don't need to power up the Clutch.

             * When you are in lower gear (1st, 2nd, 3rd gear with maximum 40 Km speed),
                Press the clutch and apply the brake.
             * When you are in higher gear (more than 40 Km speed), gently tap the Brake to bring the
                 speed to 40 Km, the press the clutch to apply full Brake, (and reduce the gear if needed.)
            Some interesting mail thread about applying brakes for you.

       b.) Hand Controls
              i.) Steering Wheel
              ii.) Gear lever
              iii.) Handbrake

              * Steering wheel holding position :
                     Imagine the steering wheel as a clock.  Then, hold the steering in
                      3 to 9 position. (For the persons less than 6 feet height)
                     10 to 2 position (For the persons more than 6 feet height).
                     When holding it in two hands, hold it firmly (not tight, not loose).
                     When holding it in one hand, hold it tightly.

               * Gear lever: Gear shift positions is usually drawn on top of the gear.
                     Upshift the gears sequentially. (1st gear to 2nd gear to 3rd gear to....) as the car can not
                      withstand the sudden power given by the engine if we move the gear from 1st to 3rd.
                     While downshifting gears, recommended to downshift sequentially (4th to 3rd to 2nd to 1st gear), but you can also down shift with 2 difference like (4th to 2nd gear, 3rd to 1st gear). I may be wrong here. Check with experts.

                * Handbrake: Minimal braking system to break the backwheels.  Cable based brakes something similar used in motor bikes.  Used while parking the car (or) moving off the car in slope. In a speeding vehicle, don't apply foot brake and hand brake simultaneously, as it can topple the car.

      c.) Vision Control :

         1.) Meters :
               -> Speedometer : To measure the speed in Km / hour.
               -> Trip meter      : To calculate the distance travelled in a trip.
               -> Tachometer    : To measure wheel Revolutions per Minute (rpm)
               -> Odometer       : To measure the distance travelled by the vehicle.

         2.) Gauge :
               -> Fuel Gauge    : Swings between F and E (Full or Empty). Indicating Fuel tank status.
                                           Should not be Empty.
               -> Temperature Gauge : Swings between C and H (Cold and Hot).  Should not show Hot.

         3.) Warning lights :
               These lights glow when the vehicle is ignited, and it must go off when the vehicle is started to move.
                -> Oil pressure lamp : Indicates whether oil pressure is sufficient.
                -> Brake fluid oil lamp : Indicates insufficient brake fluid.
                -> Battery charging light : looks like battery container with - and + symbol inside.
                                                       Insufficient battery.
                -> High beam light : Used only in highways.
                -> Turn cum Hazard indicator light : When your vehicle is breakdown it should be turned ON so that other vehicles can notice this vehicle in night. Vehicles are recommended to be parked, facing the traffic while attending the breakdown.  Left turn and Right turn indicator lights should be on when making that turn.
               -> Malfunction indicator lamp.
  • Before applying the brake, check the left, center, and right side rear view mirrors. 
  • When you are going to stop the car in a corner of the road, check your left side rear view mirror, and center rear view mirror, Put left indicator, move to the left.
  • There are two basic types of car engines. 1.) Carburetor engine which uses choke, 2.) Multi Point Fuel Injection (MPFI) engine.  MPFI engines are used currently.  So, what is the difference between them?
  • Do not press accelerator while starting off the MPFI engine. Move off with Clutch and Brake power.  When starting keep your foot on Brake without pressing it, so that you can apply it quickly in emergency.  If you cover accelerator, you might accidentally apply it in case of emergency.

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